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  4. 18"x18"x18 - Double-Walled Medium Cardboard Box

18"x18"x18 - Double-Walled Medium Cardboard Box


All box sizes are internal dimensions and are listed in the following format – Length (L) x Width (W) x Height (H).

Made from high-quality, corrugated brown cardboard, our boxes are perfect for industrial, commercial and domestic use. Our boxes offer a good standard of protection, keeping their rigid shape when full or tightly packed for storage or transport.

If you are packaging heavy (e.g. numerous hardback books) or fragile (e.g. china/glass) items we highly recommend using our double-wall cardboard boxes for additional protection.

However if you are packaging non-delicate items, and a cheaper, lightweight box is more important than strong, sturdy protection (e.g. mail order); we would recommend using our single-wall cardboard boxes for unbeatable value for money.

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